Sunday is my family day. I love Sundays!
I helped out at Church in The Primary (the children’s class) – I was in charge of the music for about 25 kids (they had their teachers sitting with them)
I brought a friend of mine…this here is Chuckles the Clown. My mom made him when she was the music lady for Primary when I was about 7 years old. She hand painted his face, added hair, and sewed the body together. (my mom is amazing…I’ll blog more about that later).
He’s been through a lot!
But he still works. His neck grows when the kids sing (I just move the stick and it’s amazing how they just watch him)
The older kids thought he was “freaky” but they still sang their little hearts out…it was awesome!
Looks like I may just be ambitious enough for 30 days of this whole blogging thing….More to come tomorrow 🙂