Surfing the web??
I’ve just spent the last 2 hours downloading FREE PhotoShop Actions from
Tara Bowman (She did my photos for our Family and Lily last year) gave me this fabulous link today….and I am so addicted. I don’t even know if I can use this many actions in my lifetime (although I may try).
PS – I let Katie take my D70 out today (with my supervision) I told her she had to photograph shapes…I explained briefly about shutter speed and aperture…Exposure etc. I set the camera to Manual mode, explained how to zero the light meter…. Then I let her loose….Here are a few of the shots she got at the park…
Her exposure was fabulous – She did a great job finding repetitive shapes….and I really like the depth of field in the last photo (the grass and tree)
Here is a bunch of photos from when we went swimming today – it was a busy day! I was a little cranky because I didn’t get a “non-blurry” one of Katie. She was just having too much fun to hold still!!
Also, I’m really like these story-board layouts….thanks again to Rita!